This is a topic I have had a long-standing adventure with. I didn’t grow up in a family that really prioritized exercise, and then I married Adam and he has had a life-long commitment to his fitness. I know and believe in the importance of physical fitness, and then the journey for myself personally has been a bit of a metamorphosis, I’m still working on this area.
I used to work out because I purely wanted to look good, I have had times when I have been really fit and some of those times, I went about it the right way and other times I didn’t – like when I didn’t get my period for 9 months because I was so underweight. I would almost use food and exercise as a punishment and the mindset was just off. I have had other times, like when the agency really started to grow at a good clip, and I totally ditched taking care of myself and the weight just packed on and I felt like total crap. I knew I needed to revisit my fitness and I realized how stressed that thought would make me because of how messed up I had approached working out in the past. So, as I have dissected in 2023 and have a new approach, here are my take aways that have helped me get on a good path with my fitness again! First – I realize that I have a bad habit of bailing on myself, I also have done enough work on myself from assessments I have taken to books I have read so I was able to come up with a solution. I know I am wired very social; I love people. I also know that to make sure I show up for myself I can anchor my workouts socially and then I DO show up and I enjoy it more. So, I anchor my workouts socially! Second – I plan all my workouts for the week on Sunday (my rest day), with a friend to workout with on each day! Third – I have learned that the very first thing I need to do when I wake up is go workout – it must be in the morning and right away. I like to say that I am ½ way through working out before I am fully awake. If I try to plan to work out (other than a walk) in the afternoon or evening, I will literally find the most creative and ridiculous reasons not to workout. I am usually up at 4:30am to be at the gym around 5. Fourth – Variety, I think especially as we get older having a variety in what we do is important – plus I get bored! I mix up Weightlifting, Spin Classes, Walking and Yoga through the week. Fifth – I am so DONE with doing things I don’t like to do, so no running here, no flipping burpees and jumping jacks, and I’d rather pull my nails out than take a step class. Last – I have invested in some little things that make going to the gym more fun, like leggings I love and electrolytes I love (Like Salty Watermelon LMNT!)…sometimes it’s just the little things that give you a tiny push of motivation. We’re all different, so my hope is that sharing this will inspire you to take notes on yourself if you are looking to get into a fitness routine and build around what fits you. What I shared above, for me, has been a catalyst to consistency for a good 6 months now and I feel SO good. I am not racing the clock, I am just enjoying the process and making sure that my approach is sustainable and enjoyable. I'd love to hear some ways you prioritize your fitness and some tips and tricks that have worked for you! Oh, and if you ever want a work out partner, don't hesitate to ask! ;) Happy New Year, B.
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Over the years I have developed some habits and shortcuts that I thought I would share as a series – I have quite a few of them and it wasn’t until recently that I realized how many I had. I thought I would share with you; in hopes that maybe one may be helpful for you.
First up, and so simple. I put my daily supplements and vitamins where I get coffee every morning. As I am waiting for my coffee to brew, I take all my supplements right away. It’s taken the mindfulness I needed to have to remember my supplements and it’s just auto pilot now – like hitting the easy button. Since making this simple move, I literally don’t miss a day! Sometimes it’s the simplest things that can make a big difference, like putting your supplements by your coffee! True to most things in life, keep it simple, some of the biggest changes occur due to a simple habit shift. Where do you keep your vitamins and supplements? B. In business one of the most crucial skills I've honed is discernment in seeking and accepting advice. All advice is not created equal, and the ability to filter out the noise and extract value is paramount for success. There is no lack of people that will want to share their advice or opinions, so I wanted to share a few things I do to help determine who bends my ear.
The first question I ask myself is “Has this person seen success to a greater degree than me in the area that I am looking for advice in?” After my first question I’d say know YOU and know your values, this will help you stay true to yourself and not start to emulate someone you are not. I reflect on years ago when I had someone trying to teach me leadership and their leadership style was SO different than mine, I felt like a total fraud. Once I discovered my leadership style and nurtured my authentic how, that is when my business took off! I keep my circle small, quality over quantity. I want to know that the people I surround myself with have my best interest at heart. This helps me to be sure the intentions behind the advice are genuine and not self-serving. Additionally, sometimes the more people you ask something, the more confused you get. I LOVE diversity of thought – different experiences and different perspectives help make a well-rounded big picture. Be open to constructive criticism, the older I get and the more success I see the more I look for constructive criticism. It’s something I use to fuel me to get better! Topic for a different day, but criticism needs to be filtered too – not all criticism is something to take to heart. Listen to your gut and use discernment…in a world where we are told not to judge I think sometimes we get nervous to use our discernment. In the last 5 years I’d say one big growth area for me is that I will listen to my gut and I no longer feel any urge to justify myself…sometimes you just know the right answer. Filtering advice evolves with experience, balancing wisdom from others and your own instincts will help develop a more refined decision-making process. Cheers, B. Ever walked into a networking event and had the distinct feel that most of the people present came to “get” rather than to give? I have bowed out of a LOT of networking for this reason.
Building relationships isn't just about exchanging business cards, sending emails and grabbing coffee to pitch your product —it's about cultivating genuine connections rooted in mutual trust and support. When I go to a networking event or look to connect with another business owner, I go to GIVE. This approach has been pivotal in my journey while nurturing relationships. Leading with a giving mindset sets the tone for a relationship built on trust and authenticity, paving the way for fruitful collaborations and referrals in the future. Building a network of trusted partners and allies starts with a mindset centered around giving without expecting immediate returns. It's about being proactive in offering value, support, and assistance to others without keeping a mental tally of what you're owed in return. This approach lays the groundwork for genuine relationships built on goodwill and reciprocity. When initiating a referral relationship, my priority is to understand the needs and goals of the other party. By actively listening and learning about their challenges, aspirations, and strengths, I can identify ways to offer assistance or provide valuable resources. Whether it's making introductions, sharing knowledge, or offering assistance based on my expertise, the focus remains on how I can contribute to their success. Giving first isn't just about material offerings; it's about investing time, energy, and empathy into understanding the pain points of others and offering solutions or support wherever possible. It might mean connecting them with someone in my network who can help them solve a problem, providing guidance based on my experiences, or even offering a platform for their voices to be heard. The approach isn't confined to one-time gestures. It's an ongoing commitment to nurturing relationships by consistently providing value and support. It's about being genuinely invested in the success of those within your network. By prioritizing generosity, empathy, and genuine support, I've not only expanded my network but also cultivated meaningful, enduring connections that have been invaluable in my professional journey. Giving first isn't just a strategy—it's a guiding principle that shapes how I approach building relationships, creating a powerful ripple effect of positivity and reciprocity in the business world. So, next time you are networking – find a way to give first. Beth |