Anyone who knows me, knows I am passionate about Habits! I can speak personally to the power of both good and bad habits, maybe that is why I am so passionate about them as I’ve experienced how they impact the trajectory of your life. When I first started my blog I wrote about systems, planning, habits and the like…I have a lot of habits and systems I lean into to help keep me on a narrow road. I have to get pretty specific and creative in this area because by nature, I am VERY free spirited and a little impulsive…also, I don’t have a boss…so having accountability all around me is really important. I have written about how habits and systems are not ‘one and done,’ they grow and evolve as we do! I have recently been adopting some new habits I wanted to share with you.
2. Intermittent fasting! I start to eat about 11am and stop by 6:30pm. I will share that I am NOT hungry at all, and it’s been a freeing experience. I find that I think about food less when it’s kept in this framework, sounds odd I know but you know the concept that there is freedom in discipline, same concept. 3. Eat Keto Green. I have been seeing a Functional Dr for a while ago, we have been working on getting myself back into order after an intense last 5 years that took its toll. That awesome experience can be a series of other blog posts…. 2 months ago, Chelsea shared that it was time to start to change my eating to Keto Green. I ordered a book before I started, this is NOT a diet, this is my life eating from this point on, so I want to understand the WHY behind it and have the tools and conviction to get me through times when I just really want to eat Pizza! It has been an incredible experience, yes, I have lost weight but honestly that is secondary to the clarity in my mind, my energy and overall improvement in my wellbeing! Here is a little more about the difference between Keto and Keto Green. Remember to continue to upgrade you, and your habits – don’t let them get stale! And…if you try any of the above, I’d love to hear about it, I enjoy sharing what is working for me (and what is not). Cheers, B
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When I first started my book of business, from scratch, my kids were 2 and 3 years old. While I am wildly blessed with a supportive family, I still felt a tinge of guilt for some of the time I needed to invest in building.
When the kids were 5 and 6, I started Aspire Insurance Group, and my demands/ responsibilities grew. I used to feel so awkward when my kids were in elementary school, the school had a strong culture of Mom’s in PTA, I wasn’t able to volunteer often. Don’t get me wrong, I was intentional to be connected and present with my kids, but our family harmony looked very different than most other families. Over the last 6 months, I have had some conversations with my kids (now 15 & 16) about their perspective/ experience growing up…and at the end of the day it’s probably the most important opinion to me. Adam (hubby), Evan (son) and I were talking about some mom’s being at home and others working, it was a general conversation. I shared about the inner arm-wrestle I have worked with prioritizing family and my business. Evan seemed surprised, and shared with me how he was proud to see me work and that he would not have wanted to grow up any other way…he wanted to see me spread my wings and fly. It was almost like an instant refresh to my soul. Last month, Chloe (daughter) was in a team meeting (she helps with social media at the Agency) and she discussed with the team that she was able to watch me start and grow the agency over time. She had a front grow seat to entrepreneurship! What a thought! There wasn’t a message of “my mom didn’t do this or that” it was encouraging and humbling to hear her speak proudly. Now, don’t get me wrong, I think that staying home with your kids as a mom is likely one of the hardest jobs ever, it’s just not my personal calling and there can be guilt often associated with some of the sacrifices that are made. My takeaway from these conversations is…guilt is a useless emotion and let your kids see you shine! As parents, our kids mean so much to us, I have often said that our kids are our most vulnerable area and I do believe that to be true. All this being said, we are individuals, outside of parenting, who are made with a unique purpose…your kids seeing you spread your wings and fly will be impactful for them growing up, it’s not a selfish act. Go fly! B. Trust is an invisible force, an intangible asset that sets the foundation of successful business relationships. Trust is the glue that holds customer relationships together, the root of effective marketing campaigns and the foundation of successful collaborations.
Revenue is the lifeblood that keeps companies alive and thriving. Trust drives word of mouth marketing, it drives repeat business, and it facilitates successful collaborations. One of my strengths is building trust and authentic relationships, it’s what comes naturally to me. I am a big fan of leveraging individuals’ unique abilities in a business environment – how I build a business and lead will be different than the next person. Aspire Insurance Group has been built on word of mouth, by trust and authentic relationships. This has created a great culture of clients, where typically trust is the foundation. The re-occurring theme that comes to my mind is Trust drives Revenue. This is a perfect example of how putting people and relationships first allow income to flow in. Rather than, if you are chasing a dollar, people can sense it and most often you spin your wheels. What do you do to build trust in your business relationships? B. When I was in grade school my family went to a mission’s base in Montana, the kids learned this skit where we wore these large garbage bags and sang this song about “Garbage in, Garbage out…sooner or later it’s gonna’ come out.” I have flashbacks to this skit often in my adult life, little did I know how applicable that song would be in our daily lives.
The choices we make, the information we consume, and the influences we allow can significantly impact our overall well-being and success. When you consistently make poor choices, such as procrastinating instead of working, indulging in unhealthy habits, or surrounding yourself with negative influences (you are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with), you are essentially feeding yourself with garbage. As a result, you can expect suboptimal outcomes and unfulfilled potential. On the contrary, when you make thoughtful, positive choices – setting clear goals, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and fostering positive relationships – you are providing quality input to your life's program. The outputs, in this case, are more likely to be successful, fulfilling, and aligned with your aspirations. In the age of information overload, what we consume has a significant impact on our mindset, beliefs, and outlook on life. The adage "You are what you eat" can be applied to our mental diet as well. If we constantly consume negative, misleading, divisive, or irrelevant information, we are essentially poisoning our minds with garbage data. This applies to our lives, what you see, what you hear, what you say, what you eat, what you think, where you go, the company you keep… This is one of the reasons I don’t watch TV, especially the news…among many other life choices. Consume wisely, B. |